Two small adjustments
In response to some customer feedback, we’ve redesigned the button on the Gift Review screen that your guests can use to go through to your PayPal account to pay the value of their gifts to you. Because the old button was put together as a graphic, some guests found it harder to locate and recognise as the button they needed to click to proceed with their payment.
The new button is designed to fit in with the other buttons on your honeymoon gift list, and adapts to the theme you’ve chosen. We’ve also made it more explicit on the button itself that, although you’re going through to the PayPal site, you can use a credit card to make your actual payment.
We’ve also implemented a little extra feature for the display of your list pages that makes sure any apostrophes and speech marks you’ve used are now shown as typographically-correct “curly” quotes. Of course, this will matter not a jot to most people (although it does help make your pages more attractive and readable), but will be of enormous importance to a handful of design geeks — among whom I count myself!